Friday, April 8, 2011


Do you really want to do that? By not walking right according to God's word and end up in eternal HELL where you will be cast into the great big lake after being Judged before the GREAT White Throne of God? Do you know you won't be able to argue with God your point of view on how you live your life and in your eyes what you consider right or wrong? People, let us stop trying to convience ourselves and others what you think is right when you know it does not line up with the word of God!!! Get save for REAL!!! It is your choice, you choose life or death!!! The World is watching us and as scriptures reveals they will judge us based on our behavior and Character. It is time to take the mask off, we preach one thing and practice another. When your doors are closed away from the people you think you can fool, and you are in secret, what are you doing behind close doors??? Remember God sees all things and that which is done in darkness shall be exposed.Let us not be deceived with in ourselves in acting one way and living another way, preaching to other's to live right and hiding behind close doors doing that which is darkness and a shame in the sight of God!!! We will all be judged according to our sins!!! My prayer is that God deliver us from Hypocrasy this day in Jesus Name and that the blood of Jesus Purge's us from our defilement within!!!


I was sitting on the floor shelling pigeon peas yesterday as I listened to a kind hearted mother validate her 11 years old daughter on how beautiful and precious she is. The little girl looked up from the floor where she was sitting, deep into her mother's eyes and held back her tears. Her mother encouraged her not to keep company with some one who would continually degrade her as a person. The mother continued, a true friend will not talk down to you or mistreat you in any form. My heart was touched by the words of wisdom this mother was planting into her daughter's heart and soul. Her mother concluded, you are so much better than that!!! Those words began to move around in my own heart and mind as I rose up early this morning to begin my devotions.I could not help but think about the friend that was so mean to this child. My heart became heavy for the countless people I have come in contact with who possess this same spirit of unkindness. I thought to myself those people must be so unhappy who call other's names, mistreat individuals, and talk down to others. Any time you encounter someone on your journey that is unkind and malicious,it is because they are insecure and empty. These are people who do not feel good about themselves. Their life is filled with emptiness, hurt and pain which causes them to hide behind those feelings by offending others. Hurting people hurt people. These individuals have low self esteem.They do not feel secure within themselves so they thrive on insulting others. This is their defense mechanism. Always remember, the next time some one is mean to you, pause and think about how painful and empty their life must be. Do not let other's pull you into their insecurities. Always let your speech be seasoned with grace Colossian 4:6. Remember you are so much better than that!!! I remember a experience my now deceased sister told me and my mother last year. My sister had battled breast cancer and had undergone several major surjuries. One day at her work, a man decided to be cruel to her by telling her to go away you no breasted self. I could not believe some one could be that cruel when a disease like cancer could afflict any individual. I laughed at her come back to this guy. Her response was, baby, my breast offended me and I cut it off and before the next one could offend me, I offended it, by asking the doctor to cut it off!!! She used that defination from the scripture in Matthew 5:30 that says if your right hand offends you cut it off. This man was speechless, because he was convince he was going to tear her womanhood and self esteem down. Boy did she have good news for him!!! The next time you come face to face with a malicious person think about the good things, like how you are God's child and how He created you in His own image.Once you know who you are in God and the price Jesus has paid on the cross for you, you will never lose sleep or cry, or fear some one ridiculing you. Just simply say this 2nd Peter 1:4 "I have been given exceedingly great and precious promises by God by which I am a partaker of God's divine nature" You are so much better than that!!! You are the only one who can allow others to bring you down. Take your power back and laugh in the face of your offender and speak words of life to them because believe me they need it for the hurt, insecurities and misery they are carrying in their personal life. Remember you are so much better than that!!! My prayer today is for God to heal all broken hearts, heal all insecuities and bring total deliverance and wholeness to each broken individual in Jesus's Name!!! Amen.

Monday, August 30, 2010

A Recession World, A Non Recession Mind!

It has almost been three years since a recession was declared to the world. Fear and anxiety has taken over the hearts and mind of many. Fathers go to bed at night, but are unable to sleep because of their inability to provide for his family. The Mystery of this recession has caused an epidemic of panic to spread world wide because no one has been able to predict it's end.

Many families have experienced job lost and decline in their wages and work hours. Is there a way to escape the turmoil of this vicious cycle? As a matter of fact, there is one way to defeat this giant from taking over our individual lives. The first step is to renew our minds in order to move forward. During this perilous season, the power of the tongue is our greatest weapon. Speak to those mountains that stand tall and strong before us. If we continue to confess words such as; I might get laid off, your words are then sent into the atmosphere to create what you have been anticipating. Do you know the same power that responds to a negative word after it has been released, will also release positive manifestestations into your life? Let your words produce positive energy to frame your world. Instead say out loudly to yourself, I will not loose my job, I will not be with out employment, There will be more than enough provided on the dinner table for me and my family to eat and drink. Create your atmosphere so living waters can saturate your surrounding with goodness and favour. In order to speak positively, you must first believe what you are confessing. Change your mind set. Instead of allowing the recession to have power over you, take power over the recession. It is possible to live in a recession world with a non recession mind.

The Writer For The Soul:Natalie Smith

Friday, August 14, 2009

Not Every One Can Celebrate Your Success!

Have you ever, come in contact with a person who seem to breathe out negativity? You were experiencing a happy day about an accomplishment, but you made the mistake of telling them what your excitement was all about. All of a sudden, the person whom you assumed would share in the celebration, said something negative that dampened your spirit. I can picture the new expression on your face, yes, the joy you felt before quickly faded away, your new facial expression is now a frown.

While there are others who may appreciate your success, there are some who could care less about you moving ahead in life. Not every one has your best interest at heart. There are many who rejoice in your vulnerable position and take pleasure in seeing you fall. Every trial brings you one step closer to fulfilling your destiny. Consider the obstacles as a friend rather than seeing them as an enemy. Obstacles are placed before us to make us stronger and wiser. All great men and woman who succeeded throughout history experienced set backs and rejection. People may try to hold you back, but you have the power to rise above all the negativity that is in your surroundings. Continue to press your way pass all the blockage and adversities. As you continue to fight through these experiences, you will soon find out that these things will compel you to keep succeeding. If I was to give you advice, it will simply be to send thank you notes to all the people who said you could not do it and you will never succeed. Tell those people how much you appreciate their criticisms and how their words encouraged you to be a successful person.

The Writer For The Soul: Natalie Smith

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Your Dreams Are Your Greatest Passion!

As a child, I spent most of my days, day dreaming. My mind was filled with creativity that needed an outlet of expression. As I matured into a young woman, those dreams soon became dormant and then extinct. In the last two years, a feeling of void overshadowed me, in which manifested an eruption of explosive passion within the core of my being. I suddenly realized, that the dreams I once had, were a confirmation of my calling and purpose. The reason why I exist on this planet is to manifest the elements of my gifts.

I assume that there are other's who may have, or may be experiencing this same feeling of anxiousness and stagnancy. The question is, where should one begin after your calling has been made clear? We can have a mind filled with dreams, but if there is no passion in pursuing what is necessary to develop and expand your dreams, there will be no product of your imagination. There are many resources that are made available for research on any particular topic of interest. Learning is progressive, and it is our individual responsibility to ensure that we educate ourselves. Read books that will give you information on your area of interest. Find out how you can become qualified for the position. Research the pay rate and avenues in which your skill can be used. Follow an individual that has already accomplished what you are trying to achieve. Watch their reality shows, read their biography, join their newsletter or get information from their websites. It may be an Entrepreneur like Donald Trump, an actress like Julia Roberts, an artist like Alecia Keys or a fashion designer like Kimmora Lee Simmons. Prayer and meditation also plays a major part by asking God to guide your path and grant you favour with genuine connections. Your dreams are your greatest passion but it is up to you to turn those dreams into reality.

The Writer for the soul: Natalie Smith