Friday, August 14, 2009

Not Every One Can Celebrate Your Success!

Have you ever, come in contact with a person who seem to breathe out negativity? You were experiencing a happy day about an accomplishment, but you made the mistake of telling them what your excitement was all about. All of a sudden, the person whom you assumed would share in the celebration, said something negative that dampened your spirit. I can picture the new expression on your face, yes, the joy you felt before quickly faded away, your new facial expression is now a frown.

While there are others who may appreciate your success, there are some who could care less about you moving ahead in life. Not every one has your best interest at heart. There are many who rejoice in your vulnerable position and take pleasure in seeing you fall. Every trial brings you one step closer to fulfilling your destiny. Consider the obstacles as a friend rather than seeing them as an enemy. Obstacles are placed before us to make us stronger and wiser. All great men and woman who succeeded throughout history experienced set backs and rejection. People may try to hold you back, but you have the power to rise above all the negativity that is in your surroundings. Continue to press your way pass all the blockage and adversities. As you continue to fight through these experiences, you will soon find out that these things will compel you to keep succeeding. If I was to give you advice, it will simply be to send thank you notes to all the people who said you could not do it and you will never succeed. Tell those people how much you appreciate their criticisms and how their words encouraged you to be a successful person.

The Writer For The Soul: Natalie Smith

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