Friday, April 8, 2011


Do you really want to do that? By not walking right according to God's word and end up in eternal HELL where you will be cast into the great big lake after being Judged before the GREAT White Throne of God? Do you know you won't be able to argue with God your point of view on how you live your life and in your eyes what you consider right or wrong? People, let us stop trying to convience ourselves and others what you think is right when you know it does not line up with the word of God!!! Get save for REAL!!! It is your choice, you choose life or death!!! The World is watching us and as scriptures reveals they will judge us based on our behavior and Character. It is time to take the mask off, we preach one thing and practice another. When your doors are closed away from the people you think you can fool, and you are in secret, what are you doing behind close doors??? Remember God sees all things and that which is done in darkness shall be exposed.Let us not be deceived with in ourselves in acting one way and living another way, preaching to other's to live right and hiding behind close doors doing that which is darkness and a shame in the sight of God!!! We will all be judged according to our sins!!! My prayer is that God deliver us from Hypocrasy this day in Jesus Name and that the blood of Jesus Purge's us from our defilement within!!!

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